Jason Feng

Competitive Programmer and Oracle Certified Java Developer


Jason with Ida

{{timeGreeting}} My name is Jason Feng, and this is my website.

Play Cat and Mouse 4!

Register for my contest, the Sierra Competitive Programming Exhibition!

Check out the challenge catalog! These puzzles are original ones, many of which appeared to me in dreams.


jasonfeng365@gmail.com     Resume

Sierra Competitive Programming Exhibition

I write the Sierra Competitive Programming Exhibition, a beginner-friendly contest for future contestants who want to explore competitive programming! Contests are hosted at Sierra College's campus, and are open to any current college or under student willing to learn.

I hosted the first ever SCPE in November 2023, with 10 problems I wrote myself. Contests are in-person, with an online option for people who cannot make it. Participation is completely free for everyone, and all current students are welcome to attend. Breakfast and lunch will be provided, and prizes are given out at the end of the contest, as well as a problem review session where I explain solutions to every single problem.

Unlike most other contests, I walk around the contest room and give hints to contestants, to help push them along the problem-solving process. The goal of the SCPE is for contestants to not necessarily participate for bragging rights or prizes, but rather to have fun and explore new approaches to problem solving.

Register for the SCPE!

Winners of the first SCPE!

Aggie Competitive Programming Contest

When I was at Sierra College, I was invited to participate in the first ever Aggie Competitive Programming Contest, UC Davis's coding contest, in May 2023. This was my first experience with competitive programming at UC Davis, and I had a lot of fun meeting the organizers and contestants.

I was invited to join the ACPC team, an extension of the Davis Competitive Programming Club, in late 2023. Since then, I've been preparing my toughest problems for ACPC.

I wrote four out of the twelve problems on ACPC 2024, including my first and toughest dreams Fours Redux and Power-up Maze. A huge thank you to the ACPC team for making my dreams come true- I'll continue to write more problems for future ACPCs!

Register for the ACPC!

ACPC 2024 team!

Jason competing at ACPC 2023

Winners of the first ACPC, Jason on the far left

International Collegiate Programming Contest

Spring 2023 - Mighty Polymorphers

I first heard about the ICPC from my mentor, Lego Haryanto, who encouraged me to participate as a way of challenging myself. My teammates and I were Sierra College's first ever ICPC participants. We participated in the lower Division 2, where we scored 22nd place out of 53 teams across the whole Pacific Northwest.

My teammates were Sam Asbell and Neil Dandekar, with coach Professor Barry Brown.

Mighty Polymorphers and Professor Brown

Spring 2024 - Dream Demons

I planned to participate in Division 1 in 2024, to further challenge myself in the higher division. Unfortunately, I was not able to participate with UC Davis in Division 1, due to some complications with my ICPC team.

I reached out to Sierra once again, with a team in Division 2. With the revival of Sierra's Computer Science Club, Sierra sent two teams this year: Dream Demons and RADAR.

With tremendous effort, my team was able to achieve first place in California, and second place in the entire Pacific Northwest.

My teammates were Neil Dandekar and Lucas Lek, with coach Professor Barry Brown.

Dream Demons

Dream Demons, RADAR, and Professor Brown


A list of my best projects.


Since September of 2022, I've been dreaming about coding problems. My first dream with a problem was in between rounds of the Meta Hacker Cup, and I had dreamed of a problem that would appear on the contest. Unfortunately, it didn't actually appear on MHC! Since then, with these dreams becoming more frequent, I've started writing down these problems.

One of my dreams would later save me in a contest! I dreamed of an interesting problem on Christmas 2022, and the exact same problem was on a contest 6 months afterward. I was able to finish and submit the problem in three minutes, landing me in first place. Don't give up on your dreams- they win you contests!

These problems have made their appearances on SCPE and ACPC.

Check out the challenge catalog!