Cat and Mouse 4

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Cat and Mouse 4 is here!

Over the course of Summer 2023, I’ve been working nonstop to get this game out right on the one-year anniversary of Cat and Mouse 3. Every day, I would wake up, have breakfast, hop right on Unity, eat lunch, and go back to Unity. If I had work that day, I’d go there and talk about Cat and Mouse. Then I would come back, have dinner, and go right back into Unity. This has been a really fun summer, in no small part due to the comical amount of Unity I’ve done.

Design and Timeline

Over a three month period spanning 14 weeks, I completed Cat and Mouse 4. I didn’t keep a track of hours, but it’s likely over 300 hours spent on the computer, with countless more hours offline, designing items and gameplay.

Armament Design

Spoiler warning! Make sure to play through the game before reading.

Adornment Design

Spoiler warning! Make sure to play through the game before reading.

Level Design

Spoiler warning! Make sure to play through the game before reading.

Music Design

Spoiler warning! Make sure to play through the game before reading.

If you want to use these songs somewhere, just credit me and my website (, and you're good to go.